
Lons Infant School

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Term Time Holidays and Term Dates

Term Time Holidays and Leave of Absence Requests

When can my child miss school?

Under current Government legislation, you can only allow your child to  miss school if:

  • he or she is too ill to attend;
  • you have permission from the school in advance.


How do I request permission for an absence?

You must submit a request to the school before you arrange for your child to have time away.


If you wish to take your child out of school during term time, you must submit a formal request to the Headteacher via the school office. This is done by requesting a Leave of Absence Form from the school office or by clicking on the link below.


The Headteacher will then consider whether to give permission for the absence. A letter will then be sent to both parents (where applicable) advising of the Headteacher decision.


When will absence requests be approved?

Permission for term time absences will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. This does not include:


  • cheap holidays or holidays that have already been paid for;
  • an absence that coincides with important school events such as the start of term or statutory testing.


The Headteacher will consider each absence request individually and decide whether the absence will be authorised. However, what is decided for one request for leave of absence does not set a precedent for any further requests from yourself or other parents.


What if my absence isn't approved and I take my child on an unauthorised absence?

If your request for a leave of absence is refused and you still choose to take your child out of school for a holiday or other reason, you may be fined or even prosecuted.


This could mean being issued with a fixed penalty notice. The current fine stands at £60 per child, per parent if paid within 21 days of being issued with the penalty notice. This rises to £120 per child, per parent after 21 days. Money raised via fines is only used by the local authority to cover the costs of administering the system, and to fund attendance support. Any extra money is returned to the government. The school does not receive any of this money.


Why is it important not to take my child out of school during term time?

Missing two weeks of school for a holiday might not seem very much but it can have a big effect of your child's education.


For example, if your child misses two weeks of school every year, this adds up to more than two terms over the child's whole time at school.


Making sure your child attends school as much as possible means:

  • your child will have the same education and opportunities as everyone else in class;
  • you won't need to worry about catching up on work or that your child might fall behind because of missing an important lesson;
  • your child won't miss out on activities at the start and end of term which are often fun and a chance to develop friendships.



You can find out more about the legislation surrounding term time leave of absences by clicking here.

School term dates 2023 - 2024
