
Lons Infant School

Learning, Opportunities, Nurturing, Success

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Welcome to Lons Infant School!


FOLIS (Friends of Lons Infant School)

Who are we?


We are parents, carers and family members of the children in our school.


What do we do?


We plan and help run events to raise funds for the school.

Past events include:

  • Christmas fayre
  • Summer fayre
  • Discos
  • Craft nights
  • Film nights


Why do we do it?


We have raised funds for numerous projects including:


  • Defibrillator
  • Outdoor equipment
  • New books
  • Teaching resources
  • Christmas presents for the children
  • Workshops


All our funds are used to enhance the children’s learning and experiences at our school. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings, which are very informal. We always need new members and help is much appreciated. If you think you could help, no matter how little (whether it is helping to plan and run the events, or doing things at home) please contact the school.
