In PE, we provide engaging and challenging activities that help to inspire children of all different levels to be active and to lead healthy lives. We aim to grow the whole child through our PE curriculum, by focusing on a wide variety of knowledge and skills that will help children to develop physically, mentally and socially. Within lessons, EYFS concentrate on the prime area of physical development and KS1 cement basic skills like throwing, catching, jumping and moving in different ways. At all ages, we aim to support our pupils in becoming physically confident, whilst building and embedding our school values of co-operation, kindness,respect, honesty, determination and responsibility. Children at Lons are given the opportunities to experience a number of different sports, these opportunities and experiences encourage them to aspire and achieve.
We plan a range of activities that aim to provide children with a broad base of movement knowledge, skills and understanding, which they can refine and expand throughout their primary school years. All children are encouraged to join clubs and extend their interest and involvement in sport.
We encourage children to develop their creative and expressive abilities, through improvisation and problem-solving. Children are taught to appreciate the importance of a healthy and fit body, and begin to understand those factors which affect health and fitness. This work is closely aligned with our policy on Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).
Through the Government Funding for sport (Sport Premium), where possible, the school will provide opportunities for pupils to work with PE specialists. The funding will support PE training by providing opportunities for teachers to work alongside specialist teachers.
Physical development:
To develop physical competence and confidence by acquiring and developing a range of fine and gross motor skills.
To be aware of the different shapes and movements that can be made with the body.
To develop knowledge, skills and understanding, and the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions with increasing control and accuracy.
To promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle by understanding the effects of exercise on the body and the importance of developing strength, endurance and flexibility
To appreciate of the value of safe exercising.
Social and emotional development:
To develop a love of physical exercise.
To develop the ability to work independently and communicate with, and respond appropriately towards others using verbal and non-verbal communication.
To develop confidence in their own skills and abilities.
To promote an understanding of safe practice, and develop a sense of responsibility towards the safety of themselves and others.
To realise that the right exercise for you can be fun and will give you energy for other things in life.
To create and plan games and teach them to one another.
To develop a sense of fair play.
Cognitive development:
To develop decision making and problem solving skills.
To develop reasoning skills and the ability to make judgements.
To develop an increasing ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas.
To develop the ability to communicate non-verbally with the body
To improve observational skills, the ability to describe and make simple judgements on their own and others’ work, and to use this knowledge and understanding to improve their own performance.
To understand that using the correct technique will improve accuracy and individual performance.
To be able to evaluate performance and act upon constructive criticism.
Spiritual, moral and cultural development:
• To develop a positive attitude to themselves and others.
To experience a range of differing activities and realise that physical activity doesn’t have to be about winning a competition - doing your best is as important.
To be able to encourage others and give praise for their achievements so that when children perform they do not fear failure.
To treat your team, the opposition and the referee with respect.
To raise self-esteem through opportunities to celebrate sporting success.
Throughout our school, we are supported with our Physical Education implementation through our partnership with Amber Valley School Sports Partnership and weekly lessons are led by qualified sports coaches. Our children develop in key areas whilst remaining active and enjoying fitness. We cover a range of different units within our lessons, all-encompassing the aims from Development Matters and The National Curriculum.
During the Early Years, we focus on ensuring that our children are enjoying PE and Sport and getting a good start to the knowledge and skills, laying the foundations for future learning. We want the children to have a love for PE and for this to carry on throughout their school life and further. The children always have access to an outdoor space, ensuring that they are using both their fine motor and gross motor skills during the day. The children are given a range of equipment to use during the day to develop their fitness and gross motor skills. The children are provided with activities which provide them with opportunities to use their fine motor skills on a daily basis.
In KS1, children are explicitly taught 2 PE lessons. One with their sports coach, following the AVSSP scheme, the other with a professional and qualified Tai Chi coach. This enables our children to develop a range of different fundamental and mindfulness skills, that are taught by different coaches. The class teachers support the coaches within the lessons to develop their own professional development in the teaching of Physical Education. During these lessons, the children will be taught: dance, gymnastics, attacking, defending, OAA, and skills that lead up to a competitive game. Each year, we hold a sports day and take part in a number of inter-school competitions. This gives the children chance to link with other children; giving them something to strive towards when it comes to different fitness and sports related tasks. We also hold a weekly lunchtime and after school sports club which enables children to embed and focus on skills taught within lessons. We link with local sports clubs to provide children with 'taster' sessions to widen sporting opportunities available to the children such as cricket and bikeability.
Children with SEND are supported to join in with PE at a level that is appropriate to their need. School staff are supported by a SEND specialist coach from AVSSP who comes into school and works alongside support staff to ensure all children are fulfil their full potential. Staff may highlight children who are finding gross and fine motor skills difficult and these children will be supported with this area of learning with weekly Physical Literacy sessions led by our sports coach.
The impact of the PE curriculum at Lons Infant School can be seen through:
The subject will be regularly monitored, reviewed and evaluated by the subject lead. This ensures that all of the needs of the children are being met within Physical Education.
Our After School Clubs 24-25
Our after school clubs are led by Mr Pritchett, our Amber Valley Sports Partnership coach. Sessions run 3pm-4pm on Tuesdays. To join a club, please contact the school office.
Term | Club |
Autumn 1 | Multi-sport |
Autumn 2 | Fencing |
Spring 1 | Dodgeball |
Spring 2 | Archery |
Summer 1 | Football |
Summer 2 | Boxercise |
Competitive Sports
Academic Year 23-24
All children took part in a non-competitive sports day to parents and a competitive team Olympic themed sports day.
Many children represented us in intra-school competitions throughout the year, including:
Multisports for children with additional needs
Balance biking
We were awarded 'spirit of the games' award twice last academic year for sportsman ship.
Academic Year 24-25
We look forward to attending many intra-school competitions this year including multi-sport (SEND), athletics, cross country, dodgeball, football and balance biking.
All children will get the chance to take part in our annual sports day to parents and our inter-school competitive mini olympics day.
Physical Education Interventions
Our sports coach, Mr Pritchett, leads weekly Physical Literacy sessions to indentified children to improve balance, co-ordination and core, fundamental skills.
Alternative Sports
In addition to our weekly Physical Education lessons, our Key Stage One children receive a weekly Tai Chi session.
We also have 'pop up' lessons throughout the year e.g. cricket coaching and learn to ride sessions.