At Lons Infant school, we value Art and Design as an important part of providing the children with a broad and balanced curriculum. Children of all abilities will have the opportunities to develop their physical skills, and be inspired by others to be confident, independent artists. Our intent is to ensure children are able to express themselves as individuals, and create artwork that reflects their ideas and the ideas of others. The designed curriculum teaches the children skills and knowledge, that they can then revisit in further year groups, and remember and apply these skills in their future work.
The teaching of Art and Design is planned using the Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum. Art and Design is linked to each of our topics, to ensure a well-structured approach to this creative subject. It allows the children to build on previous skills, knowledge and vocabulary that has been taught in previous years. In Key Stage 1, children will study the work of both traditional famous artists (e.g. Van Gogh), as well as UK artists (e.g. Andy Goldsworthy). In the EYFS there is continuous provision of art and design opportunities: these activities make important contributions to children’s development in the areas of Expressive Arts and Design and Communication and Language. They are also important in children’s Personal, Social and Emotional development. Art is covered in art lessons, continuous provision and as a means of communication and learning in other curriculum areas. Across school, children are given the opportunity to use a range of tools, materials and techniques to create artwork. Children across the school are able to access a lunchtime or after school ‘Drawing Club’. This allows children to develop their drawing skills as well as pursuing their own creative interests.
Our Art and Design curriculum allows our children to develop skills, and is planned to demonstrate progression with these skills while allowing the children to show creativity. Art is used as Lons as an opportunity for expression, as well as a chance to explore the styles of other great artists that inspire our own work. Monitoring and assessing the pupil’s progress is done via learning walks, book looks, and reflective discussions with both staff and pupils. Our Sticky Learning is referred to and revised, together with staff to ensure progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary. Our Artwork is displayed through school, so children can share their work with all.