
Lons Infant School

Learning, Opportunities, Nurturing, Success

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Welcome to Lons Infant School!


Our PSHE skills and knowledge documents


Our aim is to enable our children to become independent, responsible, healthy and confident members of society.

Our aim is to provide our children with a safe environment in school which allows them to engage in learning about their own identity, risks, decision making, problem solve and how to keep themselves safe.


We aim for our provision to positively contribute to the personal development of children by equipping them with attributes, skills and knowledge they need to support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in school and beyond.



Our PSHE programme is a whole school approach. We follow the Derbyshire County Council scheme of work: PSHE Matters. Areas of learning will be taught along with British Values and Social Cultural beliefs. As part of the PSHE curriculum we are required to teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).


Whole school events and whole school assemblies will make links with PSHE, British Values and SMSC which enables children to make links with the wider curriculum.


Children with SEND are provided with equal opportunities in PSHE through targeted support.


The school curriculum comprises of 12 modules that are taught over a two year cycle. These are:

  1. Drug Education – including how to manage risk and peer influence
  2. Exploring Emotions – including how to recognise and manage feelings and emotions
  3. Being Healthy – including the importance of looking after our mental health
  4. Growing up – including the Sex Education element
  5. Changes – including loss
  6. Bullying Matters – including how to ask for help
  7. Being Me – including identity and community
  8. Difference and Diversity – including challenging stereotypes
  9. Being Responsible – including looking after the environment
  10. Being Safe – particularly featuring cyber, gaming and CSE
  11. Relationships – including what is a healthy relationship
  12. Money Matters – including enterprise


EYFS also use Derbyshire County Council scheme of work: PSHE Matters, and include content related to Early Learning Goals, the Milestones from the ‘Development Matters’ and the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’.



Our children will have the knowledge on how to develop their self-esteem and self-awareness to help them make informed choices and decisions.


Our children will be able to make sense of their own personal and social experiences and will be able to understand and manage their own feelings appropriately.


Our children will feel safe and supported in their learning and school environment. They will confidently know when and where to go for help if they need it.


Our children will be able to demonstrate and apply the British Values, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law and Liberty.


Within PSHE, we strive to instil an appreciation and enjoyment of PSHE to enrich the children’s learning experience and to help prepare children for life and work by developing ‘skills for life’.

