On behalf of the Governors of Lons Infant School, welcome to our Governors' page.
Here we will tell you a little about all our Governors and their roles.
The School Governors work alongside the staff to fulfil our school aims of providing a high standard of education, together with a caring, family atmosphere, of which we hope you all feel apart.
The school and Governors will continue to give your children the start they deserve and a school
they can be proud of.
The School Governors usually meet six times a year, but if you would like to contact the School Governors, please either speak to a Parent Governor if you see them in or around school, or email the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Angela Allwood, via clerk@lons.derbyshire.sch.uk or by contacting the school office.
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor, please either speak to Mrs Allwood or visit:
Co-opted Governors
We are currently looking for a new co-opted governor to join our friendly governing body. Our governors come from a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but all share a common interest of wanting the best possible education for the children in our school.
We would be delighted to hear from anyone who:-
These volunteer positions are open to parents/guardians or other people from our community. Co-opted governors are not elected by a parent election but are instead appointed directly by the governing body.
What is the role of the governing body?
What does the role offer?
In looking to fill these vacancies we are particularly interested in applications from people with education experience or management skills and also people who can occasionally visit the school during the day, although please do not be put off if you do not have these skills. What is more important is enthusiasm, interest and the willingness to learn.
If you are interested or know of somebody else who would be then please contact the Clerk by emailing clerk@lons.derbyshire.sch.uk
Governors are essential for the effectiveness and success of the school and it is an extremely rewarding and fulfilling role.
Governor Attendance at Meetings
The Governing Body meet regularly throughout the academic year. Governors' attendance at meetings is monitored and recorded, the attendance record for this academic year is below.
2024-2025 Full Board of Governors Who's Who & Attendance
Former Governors in the last 12 months:
Laura Jarvis - clerk to Governors/Associate
Aimee Adams - Parent Governor
Sophie Taylor - Co-opted