At Lons Infant School, we have designed our History curriculum to ignite our children’s curiosity about exploring the past. There is a focus on the development of the children’s specific historical skills and knowledge. This is taught through a topic-based approach and by giving the children hands on experience wherever possible. Our teaching of History equips our children with knowledge about the history of Britain, significant aspects of the history of the wider world, the lives of significant people from the past, and changes in living memory. In understanding this, our children will gain cultural capital and have a greater appreciation of today’s world and their place in it. We want to teach children how to ask and answer questions about the past, developing their inquisitive minds and giving them the opportunities, through many different topics, to help them to love learning about History.
• To think critically and develop their own opinions and judgement on what they learn about the past.
• Discover connections between the History they learn and the wider community today, helping them to appreciate diversity in the modern world and their place within it.
• To talk about past and present events in their lives and the lives of others.
• To see the impact of change by discussing similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things.
• To be able to place events in a chronological order.
• In the EYFS we seek to help children develop a sense of time, building the language and vocabulary to understand and make sense of their own history.
The core of our History curriculum is the statutory National Curriculum. We build our school curriculum upon this and reference our local area wherever possible. Our curriculum is designed on a base of skills and knowledge that we want our children to learn in History. We then deliver these skills and knowledge through our topics, which we select to excite and motivate our young children.
Children will:
• Develop a good awareness of the past.
• Learn where people and the events that we explore fit in within a chronological timeline.
• Start to recognise some similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods of history.
• Learn to ask and answer questions about the past.
• Developing their analytical thinking as they progress through their time at Lons.
• Gain a wide variety of experiences, both in and out of the classroom.
• Children are engaged and curious in lessons.
• Children are critical and analytical in their thinking, making informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past.
• Children are aware of how historical events have shaped the world today, including History at the local and personal level.
• Children develop enquiry skills to pursue and investigate their own interests within a topic.
• Children visit historically relevant sites and museums and learn from visitors to enhance their learning in History and create positive memories.
Florence Nightingale
To link with our topic, the children experienced a 'mini first aid' session and a visit from an A&E nurse. the children
Mini First Aid
During the mini first aid session the children learned how to put plasters on, cold compresses on bumps and learned about the recovery position and the number to call in an emergency.
Visit from a nurse
The children had a lovely afternoon meeting Becky the nurse. Becky works in the accident and emergency department and brought lots of her equipment to show the children. She told the children about her uniform, her stethoscope and her blood pressure machine. She talked about what happens if someone has broken an arm, she showed the children how she makes the plaster cast and how to put it in a sling.
The children asked some great questions like how do you train to be a nurse and how do you look after patients.