To ensure all pupils:
In our Early Years Foundation Stage, our young mathematicians will be provided with many exciting opportunities; both indoors and outdoors through planned purposeful play and a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities, to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating, simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shape, space, and measure.
In Key Stage 1, we use White Rose Maths to ensure that the curriculum provides many opportunities for children to develop confidence and fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. The use of practical equipment, such as concrete objects and measuring tools, will support the children to gain a deeper conceptual understanding before being challenged through tasks and questions to explain their reasoning and solve a range of problems. The children are equipped with the skills to recognise shapes and their properties and also to identify measures to describe and compare different quantities such as length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money.
Pupils will leave us prepared for the next stage in their lives with:
A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations and this is the goal for our children.