
Lons Infant School

Learning, Opportunities, Nurturing, Success

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Welcome to Lons Infant School!


At Lons Infant School, we have designed our Geography curriculum with the intent that it will inspire our children with a curiosity, fascination and appreciation of the world around them. It will equip them with a diverse knowledge and understanding of people, places, natural, human and physical geography. The curriculum progression will start locally and expand to help develop a global outlook to compare and contrast different localities. The curriculum will engage our children and facilitate and inspire them to become inquisitive, resilient, independent, challenging thinkers and active global citizens with the confidence to use, and build on, their cultural capital, learning and experiences - both inside and outside of the classroom.



• To create confident geographers and prepare them for the journey beyond.

• Enable children to develop key geographical skills, including the gathering, communication and critical analysis of data and sources of information.

• Promote higher order analytical and creative thinking, in considering real world features, problems and solutions.

• Challenge children to research information and think for themselves, give reasoned answers, work independently, be socially aware of local and global geographical issues, and develop good resilience and attitudes to learning.

• Create fun, enjoyable, engaging, memorable learning experiences.

• Give children the opportunity to make and apply cross-curricular links.



• The core of our Geography curriculum is the statutory National Curriculum.

• A stepped progression that will build on and consolidate prior knowledge and skills.

• A deliberate progression scale, from the immediate local geography of Derbyshire, to the regional, national, European and global, with reference back to the local at each step.

• The skills and knowledge are delivered through our topics, which are selected to motivate and develop curiosity in our young children.

• Children will develop a range of geographical skills; using world maps, atlases and globes to identify the United Kingdom and its countries, and further afield including continents and oceans

• Use simple compass directions (North, South, East and West) and locational and directional language, to describe the location of features and routes on a map, like learning how to use simple maps to identify different places.



• Provide opportunities for all children to explore the environment around them and understand the similarities and differences with other environments at different scales.

• Give children an insight into how physical and human geography can both influence and be influenced by human activities on a local, national and international scale.

• Create confident geographers that will move through, with the self-assurance that they beginning to understand the world around them and the impact their activities can have on the world around them.

• Children will be able to use their ‘sticky knowledge’ to answer questions about the topic.
